it's friday in NYC
feelings submitted on a non-friday will be punished with a cosmopolitan light-gray text color
slide into our DMs +1631400FEEL // check out FROG FEELS
freak freak freak
"It's Friday night, everybody's at the discotheque."
correction2: Hands on the wheel eyes on the road, I'm a careful driving toad
"Cherries and berries!"
correction: I'm a careful, observant toad
“I’m an observant toad… ow!!! I walked into the laundry door!”
it’s a boy
super eggnant with feeling supply guy's babby
you love cake
L and Light should just kiss
"She said that her husband hit her but in fact it was the other way around."
lonely but in a quiet way
i don't know. it's ok to not knowing? i think it's neutral. not so much sense here
jenny from thebes!!
"your class just doesn't have any good people, sorry"
good job us
monday morbin'
Pretty good!
linguistics more like hardguistics
feelin good
"you were a big deal on twitter, i can tell" -my very nice wife
how's rauru feeling, is the real question we should be asking
Sneezing directly onto the feelings supply guy’s face while he sleeps by accident / negligence
so tired
coffee unlocking something within me
not friday. again
tight muscles
futurewife interection
bucolic chive harvesting ruined by determined mosquito
Lego movie. Let’s go move or die
get away from my bellybutton
monday + undulate = mundulate
sunday + undulate = sundulate
happy to be happy <3
mean frog is revealed to be big nice frog after some investigation
mean frog alert
but that said, it's cringe when a man tries to use markdown and it doesn't work
''feels'' good to be engaged to the feelings supply guy
are there any tweets in the household
shell ([even quieter voice] shell)
chicken baby
''We could have our OWN baby''
frog feels cannot be reached when i try to click which is disappointing because frog is one of my comfort words
busy! in a good way
exploding. absolutely exploding
a frog reclines on a lily pad in the sun. the mega frog ball is happening next week. he asked his crush to be his date. she said yes
I am overflowing (tall Murano glass cup) with love for Hao Lian
hannah is cute
everybody is wrong about everything
i didn't realize the main contributor to asahi linux was a virtual girl, and i also didn't realize it was mostly in rust
scallions would be a good username
wikipedia links will be buffered here while we wait for basilica's tls certificate to renew
cheekon nuggets
it _does_ appear
what a chain
sound grammar by ornette coleman
it appears !
if i write something here, where does it go ?
the only social network not blocked by my company's firewall
serows are beautiful
I think I might be in love
hi to yourself
new tmbg album BOOK is much beloved by this author, held in high esteem, especially in consideration of all the time that has passed, etc.
I feel alright. Looking forward to start a new project.
so strung out
What if cat really spelled dog ?
thanks, rebecca
sammy samosa
what if we collectively banned general tso's chicken
hope you find your way
not well at all
not well
this lantern must always remain lit
no problem, i love asking
thank you for asking :)
it went well! i’m still not fully unpacked (i only just got a dresser this weekend — moved two weeks ago!) but things are feeling good. the house that i’m living in is lovely, my housemates are lovely, and i’m excited to be back in a city!
how did the move go?
moving today
um, yes i have a question for you: how does it feel to be different
"how does it feel to be significantly older" is a question someone at work thought would be appropriate to ask at a q&a
oh i am so incredibly frustrated rn
feeling little feelings, feeling jet lagged, feeling happy
happy friday
oh shit it's friday
that resident neutral joke was pretty good
heck yeah it’s thursday and i am delighted
Join Your Local Bridge Club is the only social network not banned by any corporate firewall
what's up, dogs
very done with the week
blunted, subdued, palpitations in my chest
happy friday :) feeling good, feeling whole-hearted, feeling ready to be done with work although i’m not *quite* there yet
if the second vaccine shot is worse than the first shot, what would happen if you received a third shot
It's Good Friday. A Good Weekend follows.
i hope i never have a stroke
resident good, resident neutral, resident evil
guh gah goh
what is it to be seen? — should i be scared of being seen?
I feel energized
the sequel to alice in wonderland is alice in wondercountry
big and small at the same time
unreliable forms
uhhhhhhg all the forms on my site have apparently been silently failing for the last two months and i don’t know how to fix it
one feeling two feeling red feeling blue feeling
avada kedavra
beep bop da doodle bop
did end up focusing a lil (i’m feeling relieved and content even as i am slightly impatient with myself)
c a n n o t s e e m to f o c u s
goddammit firefox
whoa what's this css glitch
missed it by one freaking day
so fucking jittery
friday!!! did not realize i was so excited for this week to be over but i AM
1204885 feel
solid use of the em dash
in any case i am feeling — so so so happy, and so grateful.
friday again! what a streak
Not very christmassy!
now it's sunday
never seem to think of this on friday
goblet goblet, said the fancy turkey
all bubbly and giddy !!!
make linux font rendering great for the very first time
i keep getting crushes on straight girls
tired of being sexualized, in my head.
empty feelings are a feature
if i bought a 10-pack of usb to lightning cables for $75, would anybody want one? per unit ($7.5 + tax), it's much cheaper than buying just one ($15 + tax)
solidarity II
what if i never stop sweating
i'm moving to prospect park
rather alright
gimme that chana masala
startup idea: a society where nobody steals an unlocked bike, because everybody tacitly understands it would be cool to just leave a bike unlocked outside
i had a burrito made of impossible meat, and it gave me impossible gas
is this what depressed is?
no no noooooooooooo
cooking tip: turn off stove when you smell burnt food
bye lent
thriving decay under leaves and trimmings
the new mountain goats album fucking rules
Ah, décidément! Ça m'a vraiment fait peur L'Assommoir, je suis prise de taf*. Quel livre plein de misère! Je n'arrive pas à dormir.
I read Nadja by Breton, and now I feel warm
whoa a mukltiline feeling
like a coconut
i guess.
think like a horse, act globally
just another industry player
n word
a little dehydrated, but energized by a newfound want to live a prosperous life. lets go !
annoyed (and also silly/stupid)
great, thank you
dread, terror, hopelessness
weirdly busy
I'm feeling anxious. I can tell because I have a tension headache and my face has hives.
like i can't do it
innocence and despair
now on tls 1.3
i'm feeling good - watched a movie with my gf last night and has a good time! today... chores.
Nervous about the pandemic
some people are winning the lottery tonight
overwatch tip: always say, "let's go left when we leave the entrance," two seconds before the door opens
feelin good today
woke up feeling the same as yesterday and two days before that.
like a cup that's empty yet also is overflowing onto the pavement
slow day
i wish everything could be .txt
this sms to web feature is really cool
a still pond
feeling good
three feelings about love
why can’t i love the person who checks all of the boxes?
mothra always seemed kinda cool to me
movies i saw this year that i loved: last days of disco, mr. jealousy, monos, good boys, the farewell, schizopolis, transit, the graduation (2016), cold war, y tu mama tambien
i feel like this website died down, just as i figured out how to compute a weekdays in a localized time zone using JavaScript
and that's murder
a role model is just a way of turning a real person into a fictionalized version of a real person
I feel like this is a good way to test if my texts are broken or if all my friends are just ignoring me
barnacles is going away soon. the domain became too expensive. sorry
the american literacy rate is 86% \
but what do i know
Memories only go so far
And also 420
The world is a lot
Hey daddy here’s all my love
hi what’s up
ok on verizon you can’t text a number with letters
you heard Plantasia yet?
"why are you smashing your bongs, dude / long story" -team chat
ig #cancersucks is an intense hashtag
say it with me, loud and proud: F O O D P O I S O N I N G
maybe i should stop studying at university and start really learning to bake? thoughts??
Cool site btw
it's Friday!
good man
Good man! Please note a good bonus - slots, roulette and blackjack games.
Sooo gooood and so boring
bought non-alcoholic beer by accident
Good day! Look at a best - Deposit now $/€ 10 - and you will be able to play with $/€ 20 or even $/€ 30. Are you in?
punished me
i hate distance
friday yay
feel the non gray
resident good
i guess we should just ban URLs
announcement: the new URL is going to be because .blackfriday domains are now $100/year
rdr2 depresses me
I miss u
I haven't seen a single paper towel in nine days AMA
writing a letter to a penpal, birth of a new day
I'm OK.
I have a cursed hand
Dads at the door
Time is too fast and too slow
... I'm sad
I'm not easily wowed
This is the first website I go to when I have to calibrate the scroll wheel speed on a new mouse. Octothorpe digital millenium am i right
PSA: you can buy games on platforms that aren't steam. they are all way better than steam. you literally can't go wrong, just by not using steam
And now his tissue, which had fought joyously against time, gave up a little. His young skin turned old, his clear eyes dulled, and a little stoop came to his great shoulders. Liza with her acceptance could take care of tragedy; she had no real hope this side of Heaven. But Samuel had put up a laughing wall against natural laws, and Una's death breached his battlements. He became an old man. (Steinbeck)
put together a jarvis desk. everything hurts, but in a good way. sun coming up soon
timezone bug #2 fixed!
Subway lady just asked about frogfeels
timezone bug fixed!
of this i am certain
it is friday in new york
what day do you think it is??
getting ready for the Monaco Grand Prix in my heart
I don't want to be itchy and sad anymore
shinee is pretty cool
a dog named garlic
stompy baby
disoriented baby dodging stomping boots, spikey pokes and magnetic holes
some stainless steel mixing bowls are better than others
slowly learning how to be more direct with my feelings
are curly fries vegetarian
we were never meant to know this much
I woke up with my throat feeling awful. I think I ate some bad food last night.
Sad dreary feelings on a sad dreary day
Just missed it
hi jared
A frog boi
Crying over food you dropped
Big banana
Hey I’m Jared, I’m nineteen and I never fucking learnt how to read
harder to tell whether something is spam or not
b meme
caving to massive public pressure, nyc is now capitalized
but you will never know them wahahaha k bye
also i have feelins
but why would you spell enn why cee in lowercase letters anyway, it looks like just the name of some '90s teen pop star
in other news i do not know how to read
oh. well i guess it's always friday somewhere
less than 15 minutes from friday yet i cannot hold back the feelins
even though it's spam, that's cool-looking spam
funny as all get out; pretty as all get out; rainy as all get out; ____ as all get out
colon vertical bar
what happened to finding out bad news slowly
Feeling like dating OK Google girl
Reddit Enhancement Suite end-of-life'd their Safari extension in protest of Safari Extension API changes, so now maybe I gotta switch to Firefox
Submit Query
We undress like suitcases opening after a long trip -Hala Alyan
i feel solid is now a node.js service. typescript/flow > haskell, i'll say it
listen to nina simone
jazz so smooth you'll blur through time
second friday!
the grain of wood is the tabby of my mind
where do we go from here
When you're isolated by yourself and trying to create something new and no one else understands what you're doing.
how do you remember how to work after a long vacation?
the album art for tmbg's "i like fun", reminiscent of the one david foster wallace's wife made for "the pale king," is the most accurate one yet - it's an album of songs with pieces cut out and moved around, snippets of voice and sound in places they don't belong, adding up to something hypnotic and joyfully weird
super pisces
it's time for content!
my entire body appears to be made of cortisol right now
give it time
this ain't friday??
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans
I am spellbound right now
dogs chase cars because they too hate urban sprawl
let's form a mystery team
Happy 2018 🎉
taking time off for mental health 🌹
harry potter short-story fanfic idea: a splinching detector notices that a wizard has splinched himself during apparition but he cannot figure out what piece of himself he lost
why would you want to
Can I spam this?
.blackfriday domains are now $40/year, and i am stuck
if i woke up to a fire i would save my out-of-print band t-shirts first
an emotionally deep well
don't go chasing likes or waterfalls
remember how good undertale was?
I'm jealous of your nintendo64 hoodie
idea: anthology where one character is reincarnated over and over. and it’s NOT cloud atlas before you even point that out
sloppy feelingz
ok! we now have a spam filter
last spam filter test
spam filter test
spam filter test
spamfilter test
spam\r\nfilter test
Life has no meaning
kill me
can you oof my pussi?
7:00 is too early
Mario odyssey all day
the plane is occupied by well-off unmarried men. i am in love them and their outsized hirsute hands, unadorned with wedding rings or hard labor. they wear apples watches and they cheerfully grow out their manes into plumes. are they ahppy? do they rent or own? do they take their zipcars across the empty expanses of decaying american highways in search of anything greater and more noble than business deals and corporate mergers? do they wonder about old age, and is it that old age looms from far up ahead or rather suffuses like cold through a window? who are they? what are they? at what point do we get angry -- real fist-into-a-ball anger -- about what they have done to the pre-boarding process at airports across the world? but these men sleep. let them
kate beaton is posting comics about her sister to twitter and they’re great, absolutely great
😂😂😂😂🅱🅱😂 🅱🅱🅱😂🅱🅱😂 🅱🅱🅱😂🅱🅱😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂🅱🅱😂🅱🅱🅱 😂🅱🅱😂🅱🅱🅱 😂🅱🅱😂😂😂😂
i'm ok 👌
remember all that spam what was that all about
Stranger Thangs
maybe therapy will help
goin ham on that sandwich
spookin in the wrong neighborhood
sign my guestbook
is it a sign / i wrote a poem in my car this morning / i named a github project poem / here i am/ writing a poem / but it's not friday
no gray punishment today
beep beep lettuce
gray punished? the only social network where you never have to log in
how crazy would that be
what if we moved to LA
Plato more like playdough
Cheetos president
The phantom of the opera but she ends up w the phantom
i like LA
cruisin' USA
surfing USA
s04e01 bojack horseman - spot the illustration of slack, the chat app
bad taste after a breakup
like january, when there's nothing else to do
instead of subscribing to netflix and hulu 24/7, pick one month a year and watch all the content at once
its too hard to sit at my desk today
Local Septuagenarian Turns Off TV, Registers to Volunteer at Soup Kitchen
tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start
I just feel so underqualified for the world
let's make art together
critics are never satisfied and rarely coherent
do three new things, see which one you like the most #threenewthings #threegoodthings
Panic ! What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel like It's the end of the world as we know it
If you're depressed and you know it clap your hands
If you're depressed and you know it clap your hands
Take on me
remember last week's weather
I keep telling people to have a great weekend, then realizing its Thursday *shrug*
Turns out I'm not so bad
in retrospect, i didn't ask for any of this
Summertime fucking sadness
Realizing it's already 1am
wake up inside me
it's just people with regional dialects touching boxes of bees without gloves or veils
one of the most inspirational things you can do for yourself is search "move bee swarm" on youtube
Possessing frogs in New Donk City
I spent three hours looking up old high school friends on Twitter and one of them is now an advocate for senior citizens' rights and I spent three hours looking up old high school friends on Twitter
remember when we celebrated Friday?
wake me up inside
memes are not for me me
The way to get back at Starbucks is to get their name wrong too; like have you tried going up to the counter and tried ordering a Big Mac? Egg on their face.
when they get your name wrong at Starbucks
thank you my child
you're welcome
meme is me
When there's no toothpaste left
When pepe is ur boi
When u type w/ 1 finger
When ur mom kicks you out of the house
feed me that hot gos
a kinship is made up of three sails: the sail of friendship, the sail of history, and the sail of rhythm
haruko's shackle bracelet
<script> alert("Sup Earth") </script>
90's nostalgia like woah
you have got to be fucking kidding me
going down yet another rabbit hole instead of finishing a code challenge
it's $3 to accidentally take a bus from times square to staten island and $100 to take a cab back
the little dog with a big imagination
"trickling springs" whole milk comes in a glass bottle and tastes warm, faintly sweet. seek it out
Where in the world is Sandiego
All the buildings around you are a secret gundam
stepping on a turd
accidentally peeing on your sock
the cold concentrated coffee drops that collect in the bottom of your morning mug ☕️
taxes be hot in these streets
ness / it hurts, ness
strange... Very strange
for a good time, do an image search on the phrase "japan metro system"
<style>body { background: white; }</style>
still not feeling it
not feeling it
lost an hour
I feel like pizza
this morning when i woke up / it was colder than the morning before / and so i put on a big heavy bathrobe / before i made coffee out of those / shimmering obsidian pebbles / from far away
people sometimes spend all their lives trying to make one big thing / and forget to make all the small things / they could have made / instead
I would like someone to write poetry to me.
we love each other / and so we make plans to see each other / infrequently / but upon arrival / it seems imprudent to let love / interrupt the rare moments we have together / so for now it seems / we will just have to be / secretly in love with each other
i saw "timecode" (an oscar-nominated live-action short) at IFC and it was beautiful
sussudio demands vinyl
i'm not a real doctor but i am a real worm
im craving a chicago style pizza with bacon and extra bacon
Aww, you totally made my day!
there's a feature in frog feels that i want to talk about. on the home page, even if you draw something misshapen, the confirmation page shows you a zoomed out version without a grid. and, 9 times out of 10, it looks so much nicer. it is like an instant jolt of happiness. on page one you drew something that you were perhaps hesitant about. but as soon as you submit your work to the outside world, you are able to evaluate your own work after taking a step back. you were simply too close to what you were making. it is like a perfect little metaphor for creating art
in a forest clearing you see a guitar lying on the ground, with grass and moss growing through it
Classy spots are very different if you're with a regular
I missed Friday again
hello from an alternate reality where i live in vermont with my wife and kid
I would play Jumanji, consequences be damned
Windows 95
Zine based operating system
and that's when I said "fuck it" and straight up dropped trou and popped a shit right then and there
will I ever be warm again?
year-long projects rarely pan out
Regular sleep is so important but it's the first thing to go out the window
a bad seinfeld impression is a good seinfield impression.
cock blocker
cock lobster
homoiconic homoerotica
I'm the king and queen of keyboard shortcuts
do you ever stop checking in with your feelings and then it's really hard to check back in but also you feel sad all the time and don't know why
you make my dreams come true
putting your unwanted clothes in a bag and leaving it on the curb isn't as good as donating it to goodwill, but it feels more punk
it's no christmas until it snows for real
milk & honey
i got snow
who got snow
I love the Honda ASIMO robot. Like deep, I want him to be my best friend and son, feelings
The new iOS frog emoji is creepier
I hate my bank
Fighting a cold, punching it down
_certain women_: ✶✶✶✶✶/5: short stories about women, 16mm film, montana, and a whole lot of fun
your mom is like a pax 2, she has a deeper oven also
+1 sad
Exhausted, empty... feeling stuck in time
Wanting a new dog everyday
5am is the new 3am
ical spam except they contain coded cries for help
cyber cyber
gobble gobble
I’m okay with this new world where at least a little EDM is in everything
took a nap and a siesta at work
Interested in some streamlined, fun, whimsical d&d
subjective-c programming
twilio has made the world objectively worse
there is no good scraper
the girl with the regrettable tattoo
it turns out i'm a huge fan of prog rock
so, other countries, what up
when did 5pm get so gloomy?
god somebody just freeze me and wake me up in 30 hours
everyone likes taco rice but no one likes sushi pizza
sad handy
auto-erotic semiotics
dat salvia
a car almost ran into me at a crosswalk with two seconds left on the clock and, because i don't feel anything inside, i just kept on walking
resolution: never get excited about anything again
already burnt out with 3 more weeks to go
feels ... bad
i lost a $50 umbrella today. doesn't feel good
short term 12 is a c+ movie (c+ is the best grade a movie can get)
atlanta (the tv show) is a refreshing breath of fresh air. it has an intelligent and affecting take on what it means to be a lower-class black guy or girl in america these days, and it has a fun lynchian surrealist streak mixed in. it's strange and sad how few tv shows we can point to that attempt to depict actual poverty, and not just the "we are unemployed but we still live in a huge apartment and we still go out to bars" fake poverty we've been spoon fed. the show is helmed by donald glover, who i think more than proves himself to be a television auteur. my strong feeling: would recommend
i'm gonna try journaling
makeouts on stakeouts
it's too skinny to be a toad
there's a frog that keeps trying to enter my parents' house
taste test of freshdirect coffee beans: "african sidamo" takes home the cup
Hao meow, brown lao?
13th is an A+ movie
being open/honest with people has been paying off like crazy this week
should've brushed my hair before leaving for work today
What's that? More insomnia? Aw you shouldn't have 💍
Hello insomnia my old friend
you're really sad
Oh shit feelings replies to your texts now
Hao that's really sad
entropy is extra low today
you never forget how to run
moxie, which is there so little of these days
Actual rage
bum foot still remembers how to run, after all this time
had my first lentil soup of fall
but are we ready
salad just wants to be our friend
Sunday Candy
exploring caves and fucking ghosts
frog feelings are innocently semenotic
frog feels seems dangerously semiotically close to alt-right movement
Life was never worse but never better
Salt n pepa, and heavy-d up in the limousine
Please make this website responsive. Favicon should be an entirely black box
My legs are in pain... Too much bycicles
Hula hooping
In bed is a nice place for edibles
my daemon is cate blanchett
my daemon is an ipod, i'm pretty sure of it
golden compass is one hell of a book
'crookshanks, but no crookshanks'
best cat name?
cyberpunk bartender action
vodka soda mmm mmm
it's friday
ios10 upgrade is the best one since ios6
i like greenpoint
looking forward to the most tropical of storms
RIP jon polito
we need a favicon for this website; any ideas
ios10 is an ios for fluffy-fingered people
yay it does
this should now respond
hot indian on hot day with hot chick
i think we're all surprised that a spambot hasn't found this place yet
I love the friday feelings website
every time it storms, I secretly hope for the power to blow
i was more of a highlights man
i used to read word up magazine
life without a phone.
i used to be very sick
Sometimes you just gotta take a sick day
This week is so raven
Don't look up!
"drinks go in; feelings come out" - someone else, anonymously
Thank goodness
I just ate a tub of ice cream
it needs to be sushi time, not hacking time
go vote
you can put kimchi in any food you make to get the korean version of that food
fridays used to be better
guys, I'm _really_ good at coffee
up early, don't know why
Friday's not the same without you
I wrote some good hacks today
shoe rack smaller than advertised
I saw someone do the best thriller dance last night
What if you combined whisky and hot sauce?
working out again, feelin' super cute.
aggressively lonely
what's your fuck style
hot salsa is a whole new kind of salsa
gigolo puff
it's hot
i'm so into you, got everyone watching us
OMG it's friday
is it friday
jjigaely puff
get jiggy for jjigae
Just had Poke for the first time. In my top 3 fish list
whoo hoo hoo, we've got some feelings today
adults: do whatever you want, there are no constraints on your behavior and you are supposed to feel 'liberated' by this idea
I'm glad I had feelings today
kids: masticate, don't flagellate
it's not friday
how do i make it to #friday #brisket #?
i bought cucumber watermelon soap and i'm already sick of the smell and the bag says it's good for two more refills and i don't know if i have it in me
make a hole with a gun perpendicular / to the name of this down with a desktop globe
concert season is upon us
love is a giant turtle bringing you tea
in love with Ana
feels like a ghibli night
remember dinosaurs?
also people should reach out to old friends more often
like in a separate packet
cereal should come with milk
what if you only got one wish
I wish I could work four days a week for ten hours instead
everything is dumb
This is my jam
I feel like fireworks
@interns i have the same problem with my (singular) intern!
I wish I had more interesting projects for my interns to work on
I'm ashy
Mysteries abound
is this website one person exercising a lot, or lots of people exercising a little
Sore all over
I need to learn to make Takoyaki and have a party
feeling like I have a new favorite cheese
crazy sore, I should do yoga
most feelings are weather-related feelings
no sweaty
everything is the same
my apartment smells like meatballs
sweaty again
poisoning myself in a horse stable. melancholia
Eggstremely hot today
Cats are fun to draw
Eating cereal straight from the box. Melancholy
i've never met him but i think i'm in love with dan abramov solely based on how much i love redux
Jack is feeling
Jack _is_ a feeling
Jack is a feeling
feeling like working from home today
the warcraft movie is supposed to be huge in china right now
wishing it was friday
I want to know if the warcraft movie was good or not
I feel magical
My OP-1 collects dust, and I have synth guilt
I mean, it's no Tropic Thunder
Zoolander 2 isn't so bad
and by act iii it's a parable about identity essentialism
this started out like a fun comedy
so i'm watching zootopia
There's cool stuff on the upper east side
tomorrow is make up a national holiday day
i feel like the https cert expired
deport illegals #DTRUMP2016
how was immigration jail
it's good to be home
"did the obgyn give you an IUDIOU" i asked and the answer was yes
my nails are all different lengths and it's bugging me
... at gunpoint
In hot Toronto news, the pandas at the zoo had a baby
Remember BlackBerries? I saw one today
a fee
I feel like you have a few coming
So bad at taxes
did the obgyn give you an IUDIOU
failed IUD insertions are no fun
a border collie rubbed against my leg at madison square eats and my heart melted
I wonder what life was like in the year 420
i think it'd be I N N O V A T I V E
what if someone used the phone number as their 2FA
i'm hard
Man, yoga is hard!
I feel like I'm allergic to squid ink
seriously does anyone need an assistant?
the itchiness has begun
i'm running out of tv to watch and i'm scared of what will happen to me
Fridays: they used to be better
What canadian dignataries have YOU run into lately
Almost ran into prime minister Trudeau yesterday
Nostalgia, change, terror
Gray gravy
oh sure i'll marry you zoe kazan, only if you insist zoe kazan
come on dodwnkfjds, dodwnkfjd with the Capitalists
Grey punishing is murder
I feel like this'll work
i feel ashamed
most phones let you use letters (something i discovered while doing this)
that's 16314003335 for those of us with smartphones
this is going to be bigger than facebook
⛪. 🐎
I'm feeling my phone
best website ever
mr. watson cum over here
too vulnerable
my ankle is a watermelon
my ankle is a cranberry
shouldn't have skipped that workout
┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛
I feel like writing something, but I don't know what.
best website ever
Seen backwards by Billy, the story went like this: American planes, full of holes and wounded men and corpses took off backwards from an airfield in England. Over France, a few German fighter planes flew at them backwards, sucked bullets and shell fragments from some of the planes and crewmen. They did the same for wrecked American bombers on the ground, and those planes flew up backwards to join the formation. / The formation flew backwards over a German city that was in flames. The bombers opened their bomb bay doors, exerted a miraculous magnetism which shrunk the fires, gathered them into cylindrical steel containers , and lifted the containers into the bellies of the planes. The containers were stored neatly in racks. The Germans below had miraculous devices of their own, which were long steel tubes. They used them to suck more fragments from the crewmen and planes. But there were still a few wounded Americans though and some of the bombers were in bad repair. Over France though, German fighters came up again, made everything and everybody as good as new. / When the bombers got back to their base, the steel cylinders were taken from the racks and shipped back to the United States of America, where factories were operating night and day, dismantling the cylinders, separating the dangerous contents into minerals. Touchingly, it was mainly women who did this work. The minerals were then shipped to specialists in remote areas. It was their business to put them into the ground, to hide them cleverly, so they would never hurt anybody ever again. –vonnegut
it is useful to reflect that racism, xenophobia, grandiosity and fear are still with us, and the defeat of one of their manifestations does not inoculate us against others –roger ebert
dogs can evince surprise
Feelings of an almost hangover
ate too much gravy
susan bones' orphan concern
three more minutes
the one time a week we can have valid feelings
guys its feelings time
how to lose weight in four easy steps
snow boots are a ripoff
hungry for cock
maybe i should've taken down my air conditioner
https certificate is going to expire soon
first feelings are punished, then everybody's given a barcode, slippery slope
i feel like it's not that bad to punish people for having feelings incorrectly is an exercise in patience, a meditation on the concept of *sisu*, a challenge you can give to yourself to be the master of your own feelings
i'm having feelings on a Thursday and feel like I'm being punished for it (resulting in yet more feelings on a Thursday)
ok, no sqlite but now it does write to a temp file and then rename (POSIX atomicity baby we're gonna live forever)
bad job and then great job, mayor
feel good that no feelings were lost in the outage
susan mamilton's mammal concern
can't talk to humans, fuck
ugh, our first feelings catastrophe
i am unsure about feelings on other people's feelings
"glad she said yes" wow. my soul is struck by how short and beautiful this sentiment was.
how often do you get the chance to be part of something great
i feel like susan hamilton's can be a rollicking success if we all pitch in and make it one
glad she said yes
three sweet hours until fallout 4 is released
i just spilled water all over my sofa and carpet
it makes me feel angry
its says its not Friday... but I know it is
hey friday feelings
hi i'm google's spider, i'm spidering away, my spider legs get so heavy when i'm spidering this hard
i've been saving them up all week
i have so many feelings to feel
i can't wait until it's friday
i feel hopeful
i feel uncertain and afraid
today has been full of a lot of feelings
i feel awful because ian did the crossword without us
Sorry it's not technically Friday. I promise it was when the feelings happened.
Guys feelings can be so real and so hard sometimes. It feels good when people just listen and say yeah it's hard, but I bet we can make it through
Best website
Literally I forgot about this website
hi ian
doug is underneath the table retrieving food scraps, wolf-like, desirous
it's not friday but it feels like friday. does this website understand that? does this website understand the stakes of humanity
our lives have gotten worse, as predicted
this is the best our lives will ever get
new server
Thank God. I've been waiting for zombocom 2.0. Thanks for bringing it to us.
i feel bloo
'this MVar is gonna lose all our feelings' is the official motto of this website
Hi, I'm a venture Snapitalist and I'm looking to invest some Snapital into this Snap app
HAO is like the only person buying blackfriday domains.
I'm tired
Can someone from the staff please contact me? I am looking to invest in this startup.
this is stupid
is it friday yet?
i feel good about this
pottermore. win
i mean, it tells you right upfront whether it's friday or not
new tmbg album is great, as always
i feel hopeful
your friday doesn't matter
worst site ever
wait what the fuck, that was totally posted on a friday. why am I gray?
i don't know about that, but hurray for friday
i feel like is the best website any of us have made so far
i feel like friday is nigh
guys, it's almost friday!
type a feeling
i truly feel like no cares about my feelings right now
i feel like there's a gap here and some of my feelings have been lost to the ether
i feel like i'm being censored
if every website is a unix command, then this is `tail -f /dev/textbox >> feelings.txt`
i learned about the internet this week, and it made me mad
i feel like hydrix is very neat
i feel like i don't understand use-package 2.0
Lunch is hard
question: what kind of website would be
I feel like we should have premium yearly MetroCards
i am currently posting this from Netscape 7.02, in OS 9
I feel that Ian's tech talk went great
I feel like we all have more feelings than we let on
i missed it :(
feeling: every day, you should flip one random bit in every past feeling
that's the dumbest feature
if you want people to read your feeling, you need to post them on friday
_why don't the feelings slowly fade out as they get older_
_why is this text so grey_
_why is this font so small_
i feel like it's too hard to read now
what is 2015-09-10T23:06:45.205Z
tab test
it works!
serialization test
i feel like feelings blackfriday will be going down intermittently while we upgrade the website
also i've been skipping lunch and eating a big dinner. it's cut down on the amount of moldy leftovers, a little.
i did that with my pulled pork! people made fun of me, _hard_. just be prepared.
I feel like I have to throw way too much food out and I should start brining it to lunch instead.
doug's a blue kite
oh I'M the kite
████████ ████ ███ █ █ ████ ██ ██████. █████ ██████ █ ████████ ██ ████ ███ ██.
feeling: there are way too many distractions
hao's doing a great job. we should all give hao $100
well at least hao's doing a better job than github pages
3179 ms is crazy! goes to a GitHub server
I just got 13 seconds. I would assume its something up with rootbeerguy since barnacles is also sometimes slow.
i just refreshed and got a 5 second load. never seen it before. didn't believe it until now. definitely not a dns issue.
white-space: pre man c'mon 1152 msec 1156 msec 9 msec 3179 msec 10 msec 35 msec 127 msec these numbers are extremely scientific
what the fuck dns server is this on
feeling: feeling: feeling: feeling
i figured out why the first request is slow: it's because your computer is doing DNS lookup for the very first time
vvv hao
what if we doxxed each other right now
that's what you sound like
"i wonder how many of us are identifiable by how we talk or what we say"
feeling: if you force everyone to lower case, it's more anonymous
i feel like reverse-order threaded is hard to follow
i feel scared because i just got a 5 second page load
so let's say i have a haskell that
feeling: i don't know if we should prefix our feelings with "feeling:" or not
i wonder how many of us are identifiable by how we talk or what we say
meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the user who keeps typing wobsite has definitely deanonymized him/herself
i take back the slow comment, though; i musta made the first page load or something gotta love laziness amirite
it most definitely is not friday this wobsite is a lie
I Feel Like Using Capital Letters
this website sucks, wait until is up, my name is ian
I'm sad this doesn't have upvotes.
I'm sad this text area is small.
"No one calls Michael mhp anymore" makes me laugh. I'm happy.
isn't it weird that we're all just updating an MVar right now
hi lauren, i'm demoing. i'm a demoing baby
feeling: i'm upset that tabbing over to the "submit" button doesn't higlight it
it's absurd that you're serving a CSS file and yet this box is still this small
this reminds me of basilica 0.1
what if copying and pasting wasn't an option
what if you figured out how to get a repl in a running haskell process so you could recover these feelings
this MVar is gonna lose all our feelings
feelings should return a static text file, and this box should `>>` into it but reversed
no one calls michael mhp anymore
wow, we had the same feelings
xss attack <>&"
i think the first HTTP request causes quite a bit of Snap initialization but then it's smooth sailing
169ms load is not very slow
this wobsite is quite slow, cmon haskell what're you doin
it's not friday